The Spectacular 2024 Vinksin Vonksin GoActuary Wúnderbar NFL Full Season Pick’em Contest - now with extra cheesiness

**Preseason Awards**:

Preseason Awards:
The Great Minds Think Alike award for the two most correlated entries goes to @1695814 & @Jahiegel, matching 190 (94.5%) of their picks.
The Opposites Attract award for the two least correlated entries goes to @IPD & @Mitch - TheBottomLineView, matching 184 (57.4%) of their picks.
…and to @IPD & @Vorian_Atreides, matching 157 (57.7%) of their picks.
The Sheep award for the most correlated with the Consensus picks goes to @Jahiegel, matching 239 (92.6%) of the Consensus-picks.
The Goat award for the least correlated with the Consensus picks goes to @Conor Orr, matching 226 (68.4%) of the Consensus-picks.
…and to @IPD & @zConsensus, matching 207 (70.2%) of their picks.
The Homer award for the player who chose the most home teams goes to @Kid_Rock picking the home team 170 (78.7%) of the time.
The Rough Road Ahead award for the player who chose the most away teams goes to @redearedslider picking the away team 154 (51.5%) of the time.

Wk Award Player Wk applied to & How used
PS Change One Future Pick UltimateAnyone :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick UltimateAnyone :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick UltimateAnyone :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick UltimateAnyone :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick UltimateAnyone :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick OutdoormanNowActuary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick OutdoormanNowActuary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick OutdoormanNowActuary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick OutdoormanNowActuary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick OutdoormanNowActuary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick PatientZombie :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick PatientZombie :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick PatientZombie :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick PatientZombie :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick PatientZombie :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick Funemployed :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick Funemployed :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick Funemployed :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick Funemployed :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick Funemployed :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick TheArbitrary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick TheArbitrary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick TheArbitrary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick TheArbitrary :thinking:
PS Change One Future Pick TheArbitrary :thinking: